Friday, May 2, 2014

Ghirardelli Digital Menu

This menu is okay. Nothing special. Its very well organized, and set up really well for a nine item menu. It gives off the mood of elegance, but also of fun and childishness. The photos are very professional, but i don't like how the item description is is so long and centered so poorly. There is a lot of awkward negative space in the white box. Pretty good though.

Biergarten Beer Menu

This is a great idea for a beer place.  but its not done well at all. It is sooooo off center. The should have made the beer mug more central. There is just so much negative space on the right and no space on the left. Also, there is no organization in the menu items. It is all the same size and color and it all kind of blends together. Also, the top of the beer mug should be circular in my opinion. Just saying. Not very good menu here.

Olivia's Menu

This is a pretty good design but it could use some help. I like the layout of the menu items. The bold title really separates from the description making it very readable. Also, the color scheme and the diagonal title really make it feel old timey. However, why is it cut out around the text. It gives the text no room to break whatsoever, not to mention its just super cheesy in of it self. Just make the edges straight and it would totally fix that problem. Pretty good never the less. Just some basic design rules broken here.

Wolfgang Puck Menu

This menu really isn't bad. First glance you think its really out dated and 90's looking. But Its actually trying to involve the African style, and i think it does that fairly well. The crazy amount of movement and jagged edges around the border may be a little too much but its cool that the border makes a maze. Also the typography is pretty clean. Some good contrast between the red and type and the bold and regular brown type. Its not too confusing, yet its says in the same font family. Good job.

Coral Reef's Alcohol Menu

This isn't terrible but it could definitely use some help. The first thing i notice is the hierarchy is off. The menu items are bolder and stick out more then the menu groups, and the prices and some of the descriptions get lost in the weird zebra-like pattern in the background. The pattern works, but the opacity of the blue needs to go down a bit more. I like that the menu groupings have a coral back drop to tie in with the name, but it is virtually the same color as the text on top of it. If the coral was darkened a little and the text was lighter or white i think it would fix the hierarchy and the readability of the piece.

Tusker House Menu

This is an interesting menu. It only has 6 menu items, the rest is just descriptions, so its somewhat unique. Im not a huge fan of the font choice, however, i think it works for the style of the restaurant. I also love the border around the menu. Its very different but it definitely aids the menu's aesthetic. Well done overall.

Sci-Fi Dine In Menu

This isn't too bad. Again, the hierarchy is off though. The most important thing, in my opinion, should be the menu groupings, and here is see the menu items with the most eye popping contrast. The rest is pretty good. I actually like the cheesy stars and UFOs all over the page. I think it aids in the childish style they are going for. The organization is good, the design is good, but the hierarchy could be tweaked a little.